Oberländer Ufer 50968 Köln
reservations: [email protected] BEGINN 20:00 The concerts will strictly follow Covid 19-restrictions. We kindly remember all the guests to follow them. Fr 12.6. FILIPPA GOJO & ANTOiNE DUYKERS Sa 13.6. BLANCA NUNEZ & NORMAN PEPLOW Fr 19.6 MIRTA JUNCO Sat 20.6. REBETIKON Fr 26.6. HINDOL DEB & JOSE DIAZ DE LEON Fr 3.7. NATHAN BONTRAGER, JOON LAUKAMP & PIERCE Fr 10.7. DANIEL MANRIQUE-SMITH Sat 11.7. SCHRIEFL-BAER Fr 17.7. TAMARA LUKASHEVA Fr 24.7. JOSE DIAZ DE LEON Fr 31.7. NEY PORTALES Sat 08.8. JOSCHO STEPHAN Fr 14.8. ANA BONFIM Sat 15.8. MAGIA ENCANTA Fr 21.8. WASKHAR Fr 28.8. MELANE Fr 04.09. ANTIGUA DUO Fr 11.09 KASIA BROTNIK TRIO
Every Tuesday 20:30 PM (UTC-7) José Díaz de León talks about Jazz in Cologne, Germany and Europe giving Cologne based musicians the opportunity to spread their music to a jazzloving audience on the radio. You can listen to the podcasts here:
Two great bands play at the legendary Club Subway!
A Love Electric, the great powertrio from USA-MEX-ARG and the cologne based FOXL. 19:30 - Open doors 20:15 - A Love Electric Brake ca. 21:30 - FOXL 12€ / 6€ more infos at: http://foxl-band.de https://toddclouser.com/a-love-electric |
COLCONET organized concerts of all kind in- and outside Cologne. The exchange between the international musicians and artists stimulated new ideas, concepts and musical approaches. Different Cologne-based musicians had, thanks to this kind of exchange, the opportunity to play on festivals and stages around the world.
July 2024
CategoriesHeader Photo:
Jens Bodenstein |